Good Form and Does It Even Matter in Pilates? core goodform movement pilates podcast practice precision principle shaping Mar 21, 2024

At the heart of every fitness or wellness practice lies a simple yet profoundly impactful concept — form. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a novice, the way you move and hold your body...

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The Power of Posture: Unveiling the Arches in Your Pilates Practice arches connection movement pain pelvic pilates pilateslounge posture practice principle Mar 19, 2024

The intricate workings of our bodies never cease to amaze me. As a devoted Pilates professional, my mission is not just to lead my clients through movements, but to guide them in an exploration of...

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Breathe Life into Your Pilates Practice with the Principle of Breath breath movement pilates pilateslounge powerofbreath principle Mar 16, 2024

In the serene space of The Pilates Lounge, surrounded by like-minded enthusiasts, I've come to realize that Pilates isn't just about the physical exertion or the pursuit of the perfect posture; at...

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Discovering the Core of Pilates: A Journey into the First Four Principles breath centering concentration control focus pilates pilateslounge precision principle Mar 15, 2024

Let's uncover the essence locked within the Four Pilates Principles: Centering, Concentration, Control, and Precision.

The Birth of a Passion: My Pilates Journey

My own Pilates odyssey began...

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