Wrapped in Fascia: Understanding the Lateral and Spiral Lines in Pilates your body Jul 17, 2024

Today, we delve deep into the fascinating world of fascial lines and their crucial role in Pilates. As you may know, the understanding and application of these lines can significantly enhance your...

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It Hurts So Good: Fascial Slings and Tension Jun 22, 2024

What Are Fascial Slings?

To truly appreciate the role of fascial slings, we need to start with the basics. Fascia is a web-like structure of connective tissue that surrounds and interconnects...

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Unraveling the Psoas: Your Coreโ€™s Most Elusive Ally movement muscle pilates psoas May 15, 2024

Stabilizing, mobilizing, and, for many of us, sadly underutilized, the psoas muscle could easily be the unsung hero of our physicality. Nestled deep within the core, it is a key player in the...

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17 Rules for 17 Years of Pilates Bliss Apr 10, 2024

Imagine a space where time ceases, and all that matters is the flow of your breath and the strength of your core. That is the sphere of bliss that Pilates has offered me over the past 17 years....

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3 Reasons to Choose (or not) Online Pilates Teacher Training onlinecertification onlinelearning pilates instructor pilateslounge Apr 09, 2024

Welcome to the vibrant world of Pilates instruction, a space where every movement is intentional, breaths are as essential as the air inhaled, and your expertise as an instructor holds the power to...

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Meanderings of the Vagus Nerve: The Pilates Connection health pilates pilateslounge vagusnerves wellness Apr 08, 2024

Hello, movers and shakers. Today we're plunging into the world of the vagus nerve — that mysterious web within our body that magically orchestrates the symphony of our organs and plays a lead...

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The Psychology of Pain: Pilates as a Mover of Mountains Mar 24, 2024

In the labyrinth of pain, there lies a quiet possibility—a whiff of hope that movement, structured and mindful, can be the key to our own emancipation. For those shackled by chronic aches or...

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The Physicality of Stress: Understanding Its Impact and Managing Its Toll Mar 23, 2024

If you've been following my journey, you know that I am passionate about the intertwining dance of the mind and body through Pilates. Today, I want to talk about a silent partner in that dance...

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Reflections on Soul Fitness: A Dance with Life Itself meditation movement pilates pilateslounge reflections soulfitness stretch yoga Mar 22, 2024

I've just had the fortune of peeling back the curtain to reveal the heart and soul behind Soul Fitness Mind Body Studios, thanks to my insightful conversation with Lisa Babiak on our latest podcast...

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Good Form and Does It Even Matter in Pilates? core goodform movement pilates podcast practice precision principle shaping Mar 21, 2024

At the heart of every fitness or wellness practice lies a simple yet profoundly impactful concept — form. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a novice, the way you move and hold your body...

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Understanding Scope of Practice in the Pilates Industry movement passion pilates pilateslounge practice scope transformation Mar 20, 2024

Pilates isn't just a form of exercise; it's a philosophy, a way of life that intertwines the mind and body through movement. Whether you're an avid practitioner, a Pilates instructor, or a...

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The Power of Posture: Unveiling the Arches in Your Pilates Practice arches connection movement pain pelvic pilates pilateslounge posture practice principle Mar 19, 2024

The intricate workings of our bodies never cease to amaze me. As a devoted Pilates professional, my mission is not just to lead my clients through movements, but to guide them in an exploration of...

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