Finding the right Pilates studio for you pilates self-care May 23, 2023

As a teacher of teachers I travel interstate to share my knowledge and to create strong, informed communities of Pilates professionals. I meet such amazing, inspiring educators everywhere I go. The...

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The true cost of Pilates pilates self-care May 18, 2023

Pilates is the in thing when it comes to fancy exercise options. Similar to the ‘organic’ food movement, Pilates is on everyones radar and most peoples wish list but it’s not...

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Cross Training with Pilates balance exercise pilates self-care May 17, 2023

It’s the Dry season here in the tropical North. That means we all move outdoors and enjoy the cooler nights and perfect sunny days.

What a great time to move to the tune of your own song,...

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Self help at your fingertips self-care May 17, 2023

Rid Yourself of Anxiety with Margi Batson – FasterEFT practitioner

Are you suffering from anxiety? This could be the result of several factors – genetics, caffeine, alcohol, drugs,...

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